Davide Fara
The sounds of words; the words of sounds
The various kinds of art are able to fit together easily each other up to creating a perfect jigsaw puzzle. The artist shows his ability in the management of fields different one another, but joined by a specific affinity. Davide Fara, a Sardinian writer, eclectic and resourceful, could join music and literature, creating an amazing artistic branch.
When he was thirteen years old, Davide was captured by the musical studies and, in particular, by those about classic guitar. But, during the time, everything has changed and, when he finished attending the High School, «I felt the lack of books. When I was eighteen, I started writing», asserts Davide.

In 2014, he published a collection of poems, with the title The love of life, written in the time frame of ten years. In this work, are not described only the themes concerning happiness, but, actually, «delight is doing something always and anyway; something for which we fight ».
It is important to act, even in front a negative event. This is the Davide Fara’s "philosophy", contained in the collection, that persuaded him to tell: «I write and I put to the side, waiting for the moment perfect to open the drawer. Also through music it is the same ».
His idea of saving and showing only when we are ready, is a concept developed then, through the activity as a researcher in Dublin, during the study of The Divine Comedy, through a thesis compared between music and literature. In the end, there is a melting between songs, music and recited texts.
And the perfect moment for writing the book Emigrants. «A new typology of emigrants», he explains, «"the last generation of Sardinian people who leave"». The excellences who abroad are appreciated and nobody allows to go away.
The book became a play of texts and music, where there was a union between different arts: gesture, word and sound. «Crisis made the people’s hopes fall into line – says Davide Fara. Lots of people have been leaving, fomenting even more a vicious cycle.
The effects and the causes of emigration represent a typical situation of a dog chasing its own tail».
The link between music and literature highlights the excellence of a Sardinian artist, who could take a challenge, showing his abilities and introducing them abroad too.