Ignazia Mattana and the market of pottery

All long numerous firms have been relying on the expert hand of a salesman, a sales agent that represents an essential figure in the management of the sale of products. His role concerns the advertisement of the goods proposed by the company which he belongs to, but, at the same time, he must be able to intercept also what market essentially requires, in order to be continuously up-to-date. It is important not to be always anchored to the past, because customers want things that are current and compliant to the present.
Ignazia Mattana, a potter of Assemini, chose to walk through this road: the sale of her products is coordinated by a salesman, whose role is linked to advertisement and information. He is a figure with which there is a very solid relationship of faith, because he allows to obtain success and a continuous request of the artisan and artistic Ignazia Mattana’s works of art. Through studies and updates, it is possible to reach a perfect adaptation with the typical customer’s demand.
From the kind of things to that of pictures to paint, she is able to satisfy the market of pottery. From the typical specimens that comply with the tourist current, such as the Sardinian women in a costume, pots and centrepieces, she also thinks of reaching the wills of other categories of customers, so creating the production of the so-called "daily utensils": artifacts created for cooking and furniture and even some plaques indicating the house numbers.
From the pictures represented the typical black-bellied plover she opts for two parallel ways: the first one complies with the range of the bird that is a symbol of prosperity, but making some modifications and the varieties of the same type every year – an addition, a change or a different color; the second one complies with the range concerning a multiplicity of types linked to the Island anyway, such as coral or other kinds of animals in addition to black-bellied plover.
The choice of committing something to a salesman is consecutive to a previous work path for eleven years, during which this potter was an employee of a famous artisan of this field for which she began working making some decorations through the so-called "white pottery". Unfortunately, the firm of the potter thanks Ignazia Mattana learnt the job to, was closed.
But, as a strong and determined woman, she decided to carry on the activity of pottery, incited by the passion and the love for this kind of art. Thanks to numerous satisfactions, she went on her intent of growing up artistically and of making knowing her masterpieces. Her works are realized, in addition to the typical lathe, also through the implementation by mould, a technique through which she prepares a gypsum mould where, then, she makes trickle clay in the form of liquid, called "colaggio". When it is dry, she puts the product into the oven for the baking so-called "bis cooked", namely cooked two times.
Sardinia does not represent only the matter mainly used for the pictures and for the decorations of Ignazia Mattana’s works of art, but it represents also the favorite place for the sale of these works. The Island represents the land of the events to which the well-known potter took part and during which she obtained various awards and recognitions. Moreover, the management of the sales is present above all in this territory, in order to create a feedback with the customers, that get the finished product directly by the salesman.
Although the trade of her works of craft is present in Sardinia, the grapevine happens nationally too, because, being a land of tourism, lots of customers come from other areas of Italy and most of them are represented by famous and important people. Santa Teresa of Gallura and Alghero represent the most profitable destinations.
As every field, art too must be up-to-date continuously and artists must stay in step with the times, without cockying, but trying to have the awareness according to which each day of the present is by now future. Knowing what market wants is important for renewing day by day own artistic skills taking always a challenge.