A legend hidden in the depth of the Calamixi Canyon
The woman wearing the long petticoats who danced throughout the night
On the Calamixi mountains, in the area of Domus de Maria, you can admire the splendor of a canyon excavated during the years by a stream, the Calamixi Canyon, a such etching that it presents some faces very steep.
This difficulty for crossing it involves the choice of walking by feet, using shoes and clothes suitable for the occasion.
The area is characterized by the presence of a wood of holm oaks and by a funny game of spurts of water by the stream, that creates some falls.
The next stage needs the use of tools typical of the climbers. Therefore, only the most experts can carry on and enjoy the outlook, because it is not easy to be observed resorting to a mere walking.
In this area, it is narrated an ancient legend linked to the very particular life of an old woman.

The oddity was given by the motive according to which that woman wore the long petticoats, as her body hid something.
But, the true singularity and exceptional nature was given by the motive according to which this feminine figure danced throughout the night, without never finishing.
Every night, an uncommon thing kicked off her mind and on time, at the same hour, she began dancing on herself and vaulting sweetly, without giving up. It was a continuous movement, that did not have a conclusion. It seemed as she could not have the control of her body; as a puppeteer was maneuvering a marionette.
Her dance was so particular and unique that she was able to arouse pedestrian’s curiosity, above all hunters. Whoever saw her was astonished and he could not have an explanation about that. Everyone thinks everything, but, nobody could understand. It was a situation never seen before; out of the ordinary.
The only thing that everyone knows concerned the circumstance according to which the woman danced only throughout the night and always at the same hour. In that moment, her game began.
She danced free, calm and lonely. Her mind was crossed by a music that only she could listen. There was no sound, no key around her. Only the noise of the silence dominated in the surrounding location. Everything travelled into her head.
When people understood what the matter was, they began becoming suspicious about the woman and having a little fright towards her.

The truth was discorceting for everyone: the woman danced with evil spirits, as she was possessed. Nobody could be tranquil anymore during the night. Various thoughts crossed the compatriot’s mind. Someone believed to the interpretation of the possession of the devil; on the contrary, someone else were more skeptic and hesitant to think someone could enter in the body of another person and manipolate him to own liking.
What happened then presents various interpretations. On the one hand, it is narrated that one day, by dancing so much for hours and hours, the woman’s petticoat lost a little cloth.
The thing was very strange and almost impossible. But, still more alarming was knowing that one of her children, searching into her chest, saw the petticoat lacking of a little cloth. On the other hand, it is narrated about a boy who, ventured himself into the Calamixi Canyon, saw the ghost of his mother who danced with the devils.
So, he run after her and was able to pull a piece of cloth up. When he came back home, he opened the wardrobe where he guarded scrupulously the dead’s clothes and found her skirt. The cloth was the same, but, there was not a piece, that was tied by boy’s hands.
From that moment, everyone began saying and thinking that this had a precise meaning. The truth is only one: the woman was really possessed by the devil and danced throughout the night without never get tired.
A history that certainly leaves the sign for Sardinia and that is better not to tell to the children, because the night itself arouses fright, but, if it is spent listening some tales of this kind, it is more complicated to sleep tranquil. Nature offers unique beauties composed by wonderful landscapes, but, also by mysteries and inevitable obscurities.