The Castle of Aymerich Family in Laconi
The young girl bricked over living
Surrounded by a picturesque tropical greenery that mixes up through an alternation of colors and sounds, harmonized by the deafening rustle of the falls water, the Castle of the Marquises Aymerich, lords who have inhabited here until the middle of the 1800s.
The garden, wanted by Ignazio Aymerich Ripoll, is indicated as a natural museum, but, the castle is the seat of the ancient defense fortress of the Kingdom of Arborea, whose upper floor presents a variety of windows with a flexed arch of Gothic-Catalan style.
The legend was born in the walls of the castle. A young girl, lover of her freedom, when she reached the wedding age, refused the father’s will about an union with a man known by her but not wanted. Because of the disobedience of his daughter, her father, unconcerned of the kin relationship, made her brick over living in a perimetral column of the stronghold.
They tell that since the day of her death, the spirit of the unlucky girl lingers in the surroundings, and, looking for a claim for the oppression that she suffered, she frightens the visitors. Who knows if, in a moment of apparent calm, through the arcade openings, she shows the majestic view, thanks to the colors of nature and the effects of light of the water of Laconi Park, historical village of Saint Ignazio. Actually, also where the mythical thought seems to be far from the common life, it was spread, in the wooded meanderings of the park, a history with uncertain origins, but, that finds a cultural branch if not ascertain, but certainly reflected, in the traditions of the past and of the present of some people and countries where wedding is not between two consenting individuals, but, it is a result of an imposition.

So, not only unilateral, but third compared to the autonomous and natural decision freedom of the future bride and groom. It seems to be gone beyond the authoritarian and not liberal idea of the wedding currently interpreted, to a sacramental Catholic level, as the consecrated union between the baptized individuals who approves Christ in their path together or better as "the agreement with which man and woman decide between them the community for all life, for its nature made for the good of the spouses and for the procreation and education of the children, between the baptized individuals it was elevated by Christ to the dignity of sacrament "(Canonical Code,VII, Can.1055).
But, the Canonical Right, too, imposes the wedding agreement (Canonical Code,VII, Can.1057 §2). It can be affirmed arbitrarily the theory that justifies it and that is the head of the Catholic Religion, that links two consenting baptized individuals in an indissoluble way, as an obstacle for the combined or forced idea of wedding, intrinsic in other civilizations that are more marginalized, rural or simply having a different mentality or a different style of daily, personal or public life. In the Ancient Rome, wedding was an institution based on the natural right and considered as a physical relationship between woman and man, although, from the wedding sine manu, focused on the consensus of the future sposes, the previous wedding cum manu diverges, whose preconception consists of the submission of the wife by the power of her husband (manus), who employs on her a power alike that is imposed on slaves and children.

But, it is through the Christianity that wedding is consecrated as a Catholic sacrament and only thanks to Pope Niccolò I it is declared for the first time the consensual theory of wedding. Today, the agreement is qualified in a legislative way as an essential element of wedding, that, for its validity, has to be complete and exhibited during the celebration. Furthermore, it is excluded the existence of a whatever condition to which submitting the wedding kind and, by integration, they have to consider it as not put.
Canonical references and those of Civil Code that allow the identification of the consent as a basis intrinsic to the contractual stipulation permissive of an aware and wanted relationship.
The situation that is present today in some areas of the world, much more in the past, is crucial and strong, in some cases, resulting in situations alike that of the unlucky young girl of the Castle of the Aymerich Family. It is enough to think that in some countries as India the relationship between the youngers are habitual, despite the law of 1929 that impeded that and they represent a true social warning. Moreover, the consequences to the rebellions are inhumane and contrary to the rights of childhood themselves, but, in general, of the dignity of the individual, who elevates to a right sanctioned by the Universal Statement of the human rights approved in 1948.
Far away only to understanding the future draft and announcement, with the consequent enter into force of a normative of this kind, the father of the young girl bricked over living, represents a pioneer even if mythical, of the current "authoritative fathers " who strong thanks to their culture or religious credo remove the life of the feminine children, who do not obey, because they take position against the idea to have a relationship until the end of the days with a man not wanted. Father’s will that decides in the life and in the death, or better, for the death of a daughter who preserved herself by the imposed husband and who, for this reason, will be deprived to know the world. And, silently, she will die, without shouting her own aversion; on the contrary, she will be denatured of her personal identity and she will be remembered as the only young girl of the Castle of the ancient Lords of Laconi, whose anguished spirit lingers in the park to the research of a revenge.
A release that is wanted by the girl without a name.