Sardinia land of magic
That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die
The Ancient Ones were, the Ancient Ones are and the Ancient Ones will be. They went down from the dark stars, before humans they were born, invisible and terrible, on the early Earth.
Under the oceans they waited for long eras, until the seas erupted the mainland, and their lineage swarmed on Earth. They erected cyclopic cities of titanic towers and monoliths towering up to the sky, and, on high grounds, the temples of those who the nature does not know and the Gods have cursed. And all creation bowed down to their power.
Then primordial Sovereigns opened their eyes and saw the abominations of those who ravaged the Earth. In their anger they raised their hand against the Ancient Ones, stopping the iniquities and expelling them from the Earth into the abyss.
Finally, the crazy Arab, Abdul Alhazred, mad because he had invoked the Ancient Ones and had seen them, tells that the primordial Sovereigns put their seal on the door of the abyss, thus keeping at bay, at least temporarily, the power of the Ancient Ones.

The Greek Myths instead tell us that Kronos, dethroned by Zeus, was imprisoned in the tower of an island to the west. An island at the edge of the (Greek) world, where some petrified giants delimited the borders. Does it sound familiar?
Despite of the attempts of Christianization, in Sardinia, the memory the Ancient Ones, passed on verbally, challenged the millennia. Somehow Christianized or demonized, it remained intact in the whole primordial horror they emanate.
Their ravenous jaws remain there, wide open at the bottom of the cliffs and their hands, sometimes benevolent, dispense miraculous cures in places whose names sometimes Romanized, Etruscanized or Hellenized, leave little to the imagination.
Meanwhile the Sardinians continued to adore stones and woods, next to which, on the suggestion of Gregory the Great, were built Christian places of worship.
Among the plateaus of Ogliastra and the granite rocks of Logudoro, listening is not difficult to hear the breath of the Ancient Ones that, in the darkness of their caves, awaiting while dreaming ...