Simona Tronci, a servant of God
Knowing Simona in addition to the hearsay and to the official texts. Who was Simona for the people who knew her?
About Simona I remember a friendship, evident and intense at the same time. It was impossible not to have something in common or in close sharing with her. I knew her for a coincidence, during a meeting of prayer to which I did not take part; but during the spiritual walk, nothing happens for a coincidence... On the contrary, was told me frankly by her, exactly in that occasion. I was looking for an answer, I was looking for a sense. And then I heard her singing and I told myself: “That girl sings through her heart and I feel her intensely”.
Being woman in Sardinia. What meaning does womanliness have today beyond the appearances?
Twenty-year-old, she was a girl next door, soap and water, operative, interested to political, economic and social problems. She participated intensely in the Catholic education and she respected the rules. Her attitudes were never prevaricator; she loved staying in the company and, like all the young girls of that age, she shared gladly the moments of leisure. She liked music a lot.
Friendships and engagements?
Simona would have wanted to get married. She desired to have some children in the future, to have a great family and finding a decent job after her studies, putting together her constant help to her loved Church. Were many her projects: studies, hopes, her activities for the social sphere and the great care for creating a family with her boyfriend Sergio... Everything tragically interrupted at birth. For Simona love was an immense gift to be given without reserves and without waiting for anything in exchange. According to her, love was who was able to wait and to make miracles without making noise.

About her projects?
At the beginning, a student of Law at the Public University of Cagliari, suddenly, she decided to leave the College for moving to the Pontifical Theological College of the Sacred Heart of the Jesuit Fathers of Cagliari. It was there that she found her true dimension.
What was her greatest value?
Without any doubt, justice. That was the reason of her studies, firstly in Law and then, understood that the justice, that she was looking for, was elsewhere, the Theological College. She was the first girl to attend this course and it was not easy for her.
Being Beatified nowadays. Still “pioneers” or “superheros”?
The right word would be “normality”, but choosing, I would talk about pioneer. Simona is special and different despite living in a complete and tidy way. Her choices can be summarized in a swell: the vocation, the conversion, a perfect dress for the Light, sanctity, a perfect dress, respecting the Gospel, life for her. So, a pioneer, because she was able to conjugate, in the modern times, the beauty of enduring values, and always to discover.
Considered her pioneering choice of attending the Theological College, previously impeded for women, how did she live come this field? How was she thinking to the eyes of who looked her?
She was herself. Always cheerful and athletic, very modest. Without hesitations, she gave up with sport - although she loved it a lot – for keeping constant her dedication in Church. Unfortunately, her death impeded her to realize her projects.
How did her parents behave for all the events of her life?
For some Christian merle observant parents, the issues of intense Catholic adhesion or of great adversities and pains, are difficult to be overcome. Unfortunately, they could not share her daughter’s joy all the way; they hung around her as good kin, but always with some uncertainty. From the spiritual point of view, Simona grew wiser her choices thanks to the Father Capuchin Natale Merelli from Lozio, in the Val Camonica, in the province of Brescia. Instead, in Cagliari was Father Piero Villasanta, who accompanied her in her path.
What is the Simona’s heritage?
She teaches us to be true, for devote ourselves to other people. She teaches us to face our days despite our pains. Simona teaches us patience, goodness, justice and joy.
How is it possible to live with a cancer when someone is twenty years old?
“I accept what you send me, my God”. This is what she said, knowing, at the point of death as well, that “I live in Christ and Mary. I live”. She died when she was just twenty-three years old, but Simona still lives.